Say Hello to Haywire
Ellie Hayworth on Through-lines in Art & Life
Welcome to the Haywire! Your host Ellie Hayworth shares about her upbringing in Miami, her impetus to pursue the art industry as a communications professional, her background in public relations, her transition from living in New York City to Miami, and what it is that keeps her motivated.
Welcome to the Haywire! Your host Ellie Hayworth shares about her upbringing in Miami, her impetus to pursue the art industry as a communications professional, her background in public relations, her transition from living in New York City to Miami, and what it is that keeps her motivated. Ellie shares what to expect on future episodes of the Haywire, as she connects with movers and shakers in the art, design, and culture sectors to explore how they pioneer their life through artistry. Interested in that spark that drives artists — conventional or otherwise! — to hone their craft?
After managing countless exhibitions and PR campaigns, liaising with art critics and media, and activating stand-out events that inspire connection, this is Ellie’s turn to wield the mic and showcase the stories that make us go "haywire"!
Learn more about Ellie on Instagram at @ellie.hayworth and subscribe to the Haywire newsletter at haywire.hayworth.co for new episodes and content!